- No candidate will be allowed to the test without the admit card under any circumstances.
- Check the particulars in the Admit Card carefully. Error, if any, must be immediately reported to the Principal of JNV concerned by email tojnvfatehpur123@gmail.com.
- No electronic devices/gadgets except ordinary wrist watch are allowed in the examination hall.
- Do not carry any article, except Admit Card and Black /Blue Ball Pen in the examination hall.
- Candidate is required to report to the examination center latest by 10:30 am.
- Candidate will Not be permitted to appear for the test, if reports late. Total duration of the examination is 2 hours . (11:30 am to 01:30 pm). However, in respectof candidates with special needs (Divyang), additional time of 30 minutes will be provided.
- Before answering, the candidate has to ensure that question booklet contains 80 questions serially numbered from 1 to 80. In case of discrepancy, the candidateshould immediately report the matter to the invigilator for replacement of the question paper.
- Use Blue/Black Ball point Pen only to write on OMR sheet. Use of Pencil is Strictly Prohibited.
- Each question is followed by four alternative answers, marked A, B, C & D. Candidate is required to select the one, that answers the question correctly anddarken that circle on OMR answer sheet.
- The Question paper of same medium of examination as mentioned in the admit card may be collectedband used. No change of medium of question paper ispermitted.
- Candidate must attempt all questions of each section one has to qualify in each section separately.
- Candidate must fill Roll Number on OMR sheet as well as question paper.
- No change in the answer once marked is allowed. Overwriting, cutting and erasing on the answer sheet is NOT allowed.
- Use of White/correction fluid/eraser on OMR sheet is not allowed.
- Do NOT make any stray mark on the OMR sheet.
- Candidate shall not leave the hall before 13.30 Hrs and without handing over answer sheet and admit card to the invigilator.
- Any candidate found either giving or receiving assistance or using unfair means during the exam will be disqualified. Any attempt for impersonation will alsodisqualify the candidature.
- Any attempt for impersonation will also disqualify the candidature.
- The candidate is provisionally allowed to appear for the test subject to the fulfilment of the eligibility criteria at the time of admission to class VI in JNVs afterselection.
- Selection of candidate for admission in JNV concerned is as per prescribed NVS criteria.